Data analyst set to return to Meyiwa trial to 'clarify' evidence

1 month ago 77

A cellphone data analyst accused of fabricating evidence to implicate singer Kelly Khumalo and one of the accused in the Senzo Meyiwa murder trial is set to be recalled.

Charles Mnisi, representing one of the accused Carlos Mncube, pointed out some discrepancies in Col Lambertus Steyn evidence when compared to Vodacom forensic supervisor Pinky Vythilingram's testimony. Vythilingram testified for the state last month while Steyn gave his evidence last year.

The alleged "discrepancies" are based on the cellphone number that the state alleges to belong to accused 5, Fisokuhle Ntuli, and they didn't match when the two reports by experts were compared. These are two numbers that are believed to have at the time belonged to Ntuli and called Khumalo prior Meyiwa's murder in October 2014. 

On Tuesday the state applied for Steyn to be recalled back to the court so that he could detail how his evidence differs from Vythilingram's. 

Judge Ratha Mokgoatlheng when delivering judgment said he is of the same view with the state that Steyn should come back to court and explain his evidence. 

"This court is also baffled by the evidence given by Col. Steyn on how he established that the various [cell phone] numbers that he mentioned are associated with accused five [Ntuli]. He has never explained it. The state wants Steyn to come [back] and clarify and not to give new evidence," Mokgoatleng said.

Last month Mnisi said Steyn's evidence was fabricated to suit a certain narrative.

“The purpose of this information ... the sole purpose was to fabricate or is to fabricate a case, to trump up a case against accused 5 [Ntuli] to make it appear as if accused No 5 did have communication with the number ending with 358, which number is said to belong to Kelly [Khumalo],” Mnisi said.

The matter has been postponed to Monday.
