THE PERFECT SONG: The Perfect Song For … impressing a sceptical companion on a road trip

1 week ago 73

You are on a road trip with a friend. There is some competition about what everyone should listen to, with some slight, passive-aggressive overtones. You need to play something that will impress your friend/s and settle the argument, but what song would that be? Here are six songs to choose from and our favourite.

The Perfect Song For… is a lighthearted weekly podcast in which journalists, writers and music aficionados Fred de Vries and Tim Cohen banter about a bunch of songs which are perfect for … something. And we have (famous and less famous) guests.

At the end of each show we choose one song which is the perfect song for the theme we picked. Along the way, we agree and disagree, and discuss the structure, character, history and quirks of the songs as far as we know them.


You can listen and subscribe to ThePerfectSongFor … podcast about the perfect song on Apple podcasts, Spotify and iono. Full versions of the songs are in Spotify and Apple playlists;  [email protected]

Contact the hosts of the podcast or email us your suggestions and alternatives at [email protected] 

You can also follow the hosts on X: @perfectsongfor Insta: #perfectsongfor 

Tim Cohen is the business editor of Daily Maverick. Fred de Vries is an author, writer, journalist and South Africa correspondent for Elsevier Magazine and De Groene Amsterdammer. He writes regular music columns for Platenblad in the Netherlands and Vrye Weekblad in South Africa.
