Unlock the power of hyper automation with this Ovations’ survey

1 month ago 81

One of the most transformative trends at the forefront of digital revolution is hyper automation. Ovations Technologies, a leader in driving digital transformation in South Africa for over 25 years, is excited to introduce its latest value proposition: Ovations Hyper Automation.

In the ever-changing world of technology, businesses must be agile, adaptable and always one step ahead. Technological advancements are transforming industries, and companies are increasing pressured to streamline operations, enhance customer experiences and drive sustainable growth.

Ovations Hyper Automation represents a paradigm shift that goes beyond traditional automation processes. It is a holistic, business-driven approach that seamlessly integrates cutting-edge technologies such as process mining, artificial intelligence, robotic process automation (RPA) and conversational process automation into a unified and continuous value chain.

Unlike siloed automation solutions of the past, this human-centric philosophy harnesses the strengths of both intelligent automation and human workers, fostering innovation and growth.

At the core of Ovations Hyper Automation is a commitment to empowering employees, liberating them from mundane tasks and enabling them to focus on higher-value work that requires creativity, critical thinking and emotional intelligence.

To help technology leaders like you navigate this transformative landscape, Ovations is excited to launch the exclusive hyper-automation assessment survey.

By completing this brief (five- to 10-minute) survey, you’ll:

  • Gain invaluable insights into your organisation’s hyper-automation readiness;
  • Connect with Ovations’ experts to guide your hyper-automation journey; and
  • Receive early access to our upcoming hyper-automation industry article.

Your input is crucial in shaping the future of hyper automation. Don’t miss this opportunity to unlock the power of this revolutionary approach and drive unparalleled growth and innovation for your business.

Ready to revolutionise your operations and empower your workforce?

Start the hyper-automation assessment survey

But that’s not all! Ovations is also partnering with First Distribution and TechCentral to host an exclusive executive IBM Lunch & Learn discussion on 10 September 2024. This event, to be held at the Bryanston Country Club in Johannesburg, will showcase IBM’s cutting-edge AI platform, watsonx, and its powerful governance, risk and compliance solution, IBM OpenPages.

Discover how these advanced solutions can empower your organisation to drive innovation, enhance decision-making and ensure regulatory compliance. This powerful combination of AI-driven analytics and robust GRC management further solidifies IBM’s position as a leader in enterprise solutions.

Your participation in both the hyper-automation assessment survey and the IBM Lunch & Learn event is crucial in shaping the future of automation and AI-powered business strategies.

Don’t miss this opportunity to unlock the power of these revolutionary approaches and drive unparalleled growth and innovation for your business.

Register now: Executive Brunch & Learn | IBM AI watsonx & OpenPages