US Elections | Governor Tim Walz is a safe choice: Prof Christopher Isike weighs in

1 month ago 73

Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris selected Minnesota Governor Tim Walz to be her running mate on Tuesday, choosing a progressive policy champion and a plain speaker from America’s heartland to help win over rural, white voters, according to sources familiar with the matter. Campaign officials did not respond to requests for comment. An official announcement was expected on Tuesday morning. Walz, a 60-year-old US Army National Guard veteran and former teacher, was elected to a Republican-leaning district in the US House of Representatives in 2006 and served 12 years before being elected governor of Minnesota in 2018. Professor Christopher Isike, Director of the African Centre for the Study of the United States at University of Pretoria joins us via video link to weigh in on developments in the US elections. For more news, visit and #SABCNews on all Social Media platforms.