Pietermaritzburg metro status pending

2 hours ago 46

The process of determining whether Pietermaritzburg, the second largest city in KwaZulu-Natal, will be a Metro Municipality has not been finalised. That's according to the Municipal Demarcation Board following an application for Msunduzi Municipality and the Richmond Municipality to be amalgamated. Pietermaritzburg falls under the Msunduzi Municipality. To date, the Demarcation Board has received thousands of applications for the redetermination of municipal wards. Currently, 13 cases have been deferred and are subject to further research and public engagement. The board says South Africans will know their final decision in February 2025. There are currently 4.468 wards in the country, 8 metropolitan, 44 districts, and 205 local municipalities. For more news, visit sabcnews.com and #SABCNews on all Social Media platforms.