#SABCNews Headlines @15H00 l 25 September 2024

3 hours ago 33

* Justice Minister, Thembi Simelane is appearing before the ANC's Integrity Commission today over the VBS saga. This after Simelane received a loan from a company with alleged links to VBS during her tenure as Polokwane Mayor. * Eastern Cape police are monitoring the Keiskammahoek area - this after four people were shot dead this morning after police came under fire. Unlicensed firearms and suspected stolen items among the items found at the scene.... * Budget cuts in the education sector are putting the future prospects of learners in jeopardy - that's the word from Basic Education Minister Siviwe Gwarube, who says the cuts will lead to provinces being unable to maintain their teacher posts over the next three years. * And the remains of liberation fighters who died in Zimbabwe and Zambia during the apartheid era are coming home. We'll take you live to Waterkloof Air Force base shortly. For more news, visit sabcnews.com and #SABCNews on all Social Media platforms.