Michael Lomas to remain in custody until bail application next Friday

2 hours ago 42

“In an attempt to evade extradition to South Africa, he lodged an application with the European Court of Human Rights, and it was also unsuccessful,” IDAC spokesperson Henry Mamothame said. 

TimesLIVE reported that the wheelchair-bound and frail-looking Lomas arrived at OR Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg on Friday morning under heavy police guard from the UK, where he is a citizen.

The Hawks and prosecutors from the IDAC conducted an investigation into the alleged corruption at Kusile, for which 11 other accused are facing similar charges.

The case of the 11 accused is currently before the Johannesburg high court.

“Lomas will be charged and processed in the lower court before his matter is combined with the one appearing before the Johannesburg high court,” Mamothame added.